Black Veterans Project

More than a million Black Americans served in the armed forces of the United States during World War II. As for most American men and women who served, the war was a major turning point in their lives: they traveled across the country and the world, met people from all walks of life, and learned new skills.


For Blacks and other minorities, the war experience took on the extra dimension of race. Black soldiers often faced as much hostility from their white comrades-in-arms as they did from enemy combatants. And on returning home, Black veterans were berated and even cautioned against wearing their uniforms in public, lest they project an unseemly sense of pride and dignity.

This was and still is wrong and the Black Veterans Project is dedicated to doing something about it.

Black Veterans Project advances research, dynamic storytelling, advocacy and litigation to address systemic racial inequities across the military and veteran landscape.  It also gives hope and comfort for the very people who fought and died for our country.

Bounce asks you to thank a Black Veteran today and to find out more about the work of this important community based organization.  Click HERE to find out more.

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